Once again, the colours of the autumn leaves are resplendent. The yellows, browns and reds are brilliant especially in the low early morning sun. God has made our little earth a very beautiful place which stands out in the vast universe he created. We have every reason to thank him for his wonderful kindness to all of us who live on this little planet. He is generous to all as he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
The autumn colours remind us that the long, warm days of summer are passing, and the dark days of winter lie ahead. The regularity of the seasons points us to the faithfulness of God. He has promised, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” So, we know that winter will not last for ever, however dark and cold it may be, but that springtime will come when the trees and flowers will come to life again.
There are also seasons in our lives. The early years of childhood are full of hope and promise. The energy and enthusiasm of children hold out great potential for their future lives. Then childhood gives way to adult years when physical and mental powers are at their height. It is a time for striving to achieve our full potential at home and work. Loving families and homes provide a secure environment in which the next generation can be born and thrive.
Then comes the autumn of our lives when mind and body are not so strong and grey hairs appear. In the early senior years there can be a beauty and poise that make it seem that things may continue as they are but, in our hearts, we know that our lives are moving inevitably to their appointed end.
Solomon, who was legendary for his wisdom, wrote, “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.’” It is best to remember God and entrust our lives to him when we are young so that he is at the centre of all we do. But we can also draw near to him in the autumn of our life and find in him the peace we need now and the hope we need for the future. His beautiful creation proclaims that he exists and encourages us to seek him and find him.