Thought For The Week was written by David Jebson from its beginnings in 1984 until his death in 2009. In March 2010 Peter Milsom took on this ministry. The articles are available from this website or as a weekly email.
Peter Milsom

Peter was the minister of Christ Church, Deeside for 20 years. (
For 10 years he wrote a weekly article in the Deeside Advertiser entitled “Think on These Things.” The article was also published in Y Cyfnod, a weekly newspaper published in Bala.
From 1997-2012 Peter was the Director of UFM Worldwide, a mission agency with missionaries in more than 30 countries around the world. He continues to serve with UFM as an Associate Consultant. (
From 2010-2016 he was also the Director of Affinity, a fellowship of 1200 churches in Britain and Ireland. (
David Jebson

David served as a radar mechanic with the RAF from 1944 to 1948 and committed his life to Christ early in 1946 whilst in India. Before going to theological college he was a civil servant but gave this up in 1950 to work with the Liverpool City Mission. David Jebson began writing ‘Thought for the Week’ for a Liverpool paper in 1984 when he was Director of the Liverpool City Mission. He has written well over 1000 ‘Thoughts’ ! After 20 years on the staff he became director of the Mission in 1971 and continued until his retirement in 1991. Following this, he worked voluntarily with Chester City Mission. He was chaplain to Chester market, used visual aids to teach Bible stories in school assemblies and conducted services in residential homes. He was a Christian communicator who sought to get the message across in a way that people could understand.
Rev David Jebson was called home to be with the Lord on 16th March 2009.