Christians love to sing of about their Saviour, Jesus Christ. They find great help and encouragement in singing hymns that express their faith in Jesus. Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs together with other Christians lifts their spirits. Many Christian hymns and songs focus on the life experiences of Christians in this world. A hymn originally written by Ada Habershon in the early 20th century has become very popular. It expresses confidence in the power of Jesus to keep us in all the temptations and trials of life. It speaks to us all in the uncertain times in which we are living in.
The hymn expresses confidence that in every experience of life Jesus will keep us safe. The chorus, sung after each verse, affirms that, because of his great love, “He will hold me fast.” The hymn opens with a focus on our sense of personal weakness and the fears we often experience; “When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast. When the tempter would prevail, he will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold through life’s fearful path, for my love is often cold, he must hold me fast. He will hold me fast, he will hold me fast, for my Saviour loves me so he will hold me fast.”
Christians are more encouraged by the love of Jesus for them than they are by their love for Jesus. His death on the cross for sinful people like us is a demonstration of his eternal love and commitment to bring us to heaven. The hymn expresses this well; “Those he saves are his delight, Christ will hold me fast. Precious in his holy sight, he will hold me fast. He’ll not let my soul be lost, his promises shall last. Bought by him at such a cost, he will hold me fast. He will hold me fast, he will hold me fast, for my Saviour loves me so he will hold me fast.”
By his death on the cross Jesus reconciled sinful people to God and opened the way to heaven for all who put their trust in him. Christians eagerly look forward to seeing Jesus in heaven and being with him forever. The last verse of the hymn focuses on this; “For my life he bled and died, Christ will hold me fast. Justice has been satisfied; he will hold me fast. Raised with him to endless life, he will hold me fast till our faith is turned to sight, when he comes at last. He will hold me fast, he will hold me fast, for my Saviour loves me so he will hold me fast.”