Category: Uncategorized

  • God is miraculously sustaining them

    On 24 February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. It was a massive escalation of a war that began in Crimea and the Donbas in 2014. For the past 2 years the people of Ukraine have experienced daily attacks on their cities and national infrastructure. Out of a total population of 41 million people, 8 million have…

  • Remembering Alexei Navalny

    The tragic death of Alexei Navalny gives a chilling insight into life in Russia today. Alexei was a leader in the Russian Opposition Coordination Council and was the main political opponent of President Putin. He was a lawyer by training and campaigned for human rights and against corruption. He was married with two children. On…

  • When enemies become friends

    The teaching of Jesus was counter-cultural and very relevant in his day and in ours. He challenged the teaching of the religious teachers of his time. In the Sermon on the Mount he told his disciples, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love…

  • Everything changed!

    A new series of the popular television programme ‘Gladiators’ has begun. Warren Furman was a star in the original series in the 1990s. He felt that being part of the programme under his pseudonym ‘Ace’ gave him everything he had ever wanted, but gradually realised that fame and fortune brought problems he was not prepared…

  • Holocaust Memorial Day

    Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27 January each year and is a time to remember especially the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust under Nazi Persecution. It is a time to seek to learn the lessons of the past and recognise that genocide does not just take place in isolation. It’s a steady…

  • I just felt God’s presence

    Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. Sepsis always starts with an infection. The body’s immune system – which normally helps to protect us and fight infection – goes into overdrive. Sepsis can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and sometimes death,…

  • Honouring life and offering hope

    End of life care is being actively discussed in Britain today, especially what is known as “assisted dying.” The word euthanasia comes from two Greek words meaning “good death.” Every day doctors must make difficult decisions about whether to continue treatment or to withdraw artificial life-support measures knowing this will mean the patient dying. “Assisted…

  • The Lord is the sunshine of my soul

    Fanny Crosby was a prolific hymn writer, writing more than 8000 hymns. Soon after she was born, in 1820, it was realised that she was totally blind. Before she was one year old her father died so Fanny was cared for by her mother, Mercy, and her maternal grandmother, Eunice. The family moved to New…

  • The God of second chances

    A New Year is beginning. Starting something new gives us an opportunity to do better. Some people make New Year resolutions. It is good to resolve to change for the better and do things differently from the way we have in the past. When we were in primary school and had made lots of mistakes…

  • A Saviour has been born

    Many people around the world are remembering the birth of Jesus. He was the most extraordinary person the world has ever seen but the circumstances of his birth were amazingly ordinary. To comply with a Roman census, Mary and Joseph, a newly married couple, had travelled from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem. The town was…